Konnichiwa! Welcome to AnnaTude! I'm Anna Bright (blogger today, best-selling author tomorrow). This blog is where I publish my work. Read on!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Thought To Ponder

The most random thought of all thoughts came into my head as I was watching American Idol the other day. As I saw the judges praise Lee’s song choice, I was thinking, "Wow! Because of a miraculous tilt of the earth on its axis, its perfectly- spaced distance from the sun and mild just-right temperatures, life can exist!"

Our main concern should be surviving! And look at us now! We’ve got all of this modern technology, and surviving is no longer a challenge but merely a take-for-granted way of life. Or rather not surviving is a thought only pondered in stories. On the TV, in that false-reality world, all that those people care about is becoming the next American Idol. Simon even ventured to say, “This is the most important day of your life, Casey!”

Really?, I thought. To become famous, to live in a world of paparazzi and insecurity, to give concerts at the crack of dawn, to spend nights getting drunk at the bars, is that what these people are fighting so hard to get? Do they realize it? Have they once thought about the miracle of their own existence? And, isn’t it amazing that, when on tour, these people never seem to miss out on a single detail of their designer clothing, yet they don’t even have time to eat breakfast! They have more time for clothing and small things like that, which don’t matter a bit but can’t find time to do the essential, important things that keep them alive? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

Life on earth is a miracle! We know of no other planet, even with our advanced space technology, that has life. (Of course, some distant planet that does have life must be thinking the same about us!). All of us should be trying to live. None of our worldly activities should interfere with what is necessary to survive. And, of course, we shouldn't be so much attached to any mortal goal that we our duty as a human being: to take care or ourselves and others.. Let it be our challenge to live life to its fullest!

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